Thursday, March 1, 2018

Whiskey I

How do you drink the whiskey?
Which is the best?

For me there are no rules or correct way to drink whiskey. Many say that it should be taken with water or sparkling water because this way the flavor will be softened and its aromas are released, others say with ice because it reduces its smell.
Aged or old whiskey is not the best, the longest in the barrels the stronger the wood flavor and the expensive whiskey does not mean it is superior or better.
Which is the best, 12 years old, 18 years old, 15 years old, 21 years old, red, blue, green, black, double black, gold, three edges, which makes swim, etc. I think that this is marketing and big companies do it to earn more money.
It all depends on the palate of the person, the best way to drink whiskey is how you enjoy it.

Which one do you like?

Whiskey / Whiskey

Kentucky Bourbon:
According to the United States federal regulations for a whiskey to be labeled as bourbon, it must have a content of 51% to 79% of corn, if the content is higher then it will be called corn whiskey.
The bourbon must be aged for a minimum of 2 years, although the majority is aged for 4 years or more in oak barrels.

Tennessee Whiskey:
This whiskey should be distilled in Tennessee. Its content is 51% of any grain, corn is usually used in its production.

Jack Daniels, Maker's Mark, Jim Beam, Buffalo Trace, Wild Turkey, Evan Williams, old Kentucky, among others.

Whiskey from Canada
Canada whiskey is made primarily from corn or wheat with a supplement of malted rye and barley.
The Canadian whiskey is aged for 3, 4 and up to 6 years in oak barrels. This whiskey is softer and lighter compared to Irish whiskey.

Canadian whiskey
Crown Royal, Canadian Club, Lord Calvert, Royal Reserve, San Barton, among others.

Scotch Whiskey
Scotch whiskey is made with barley or wheat and we can divide it into two categories: mixed (BLENDED) and pure malt (SINGLE MALT).

The mixing is obtained with a combination of several different distilleries. It is usually 60% grain and 40% malt.
But probably the best of all is the single malt. The malt is obtained by soaking the barley until it germinates, then it is dried in the oven and then fermented with yeast and in this way we obtain the "water of life".

Whiskey Scottish mixed (blended)
Chivas Regal, 100 Pipers, Johnny Walker, J & amp; B, among others.

Single malt whiskeys:
GlenfiddichGlenlivet, Glen Moray, among others.