Thursday, June 15, 2017

Salsa Fresca

5 tomates, picados en cubos pequeños
1 cebolla reja pequeña, picada
2 dientes de ajo, picado
4 cucharadas de cilantro picado
2 cucharadas de vinagre de vino tinto
1 tbs aceite de oliva
Jugo de un limón
1 pimentón (pimiento) rojo, picado en cubos
1 pimentón amarillo, picado en cubos
Sal y pimienta al gusto

Dividir en partes iguales los tomates, cebolla, jalapeños, pimentones y la mitad del cilantro.
Colocar una de las partes en una licuadora junto con el ajo. Pulsar tres o cuatro veces para solamente mezclar y no licuar por completo.

Unir todo en uno solo bowl. Agregar el resto del cilantro, salpimentar, vinagre, jugo de limón y aceite de oliva. Mezclar bien, cubrir con film de cocina y refrigerar por 24 horas.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Cake Ingredients

Contains 2 gluten forming protein, glutenin and gliadin. Cake flour has more acid (lower pH) than other flour, due the bleaching by chlorination. The greater acidity lowest the temperature at which the proteins coagulate and this makes a sweeter flavor and tender crumb. This also contributes to the cake structure and able to hold large amounts of fat and sugar without collapsing.
According to Rose Levy Beranbaun in her book “The Cake Bible” self-rising cannot be used interchangeably with the cake flour because it contains approximately 1½ teaspoon of baking powder and ½ teaspoon salt per cup of flour.

→It is possible to substitute equal weights of bleached all purpose flour for cake flour by adding a small percentage of cornstarch. But the result will not be the same because the flour is coarser and the PH higher. Self-rising cake flour cannot be used  interchangeably with the cake flour because it contains approximately 1½ teaspoon baking powder and ½ teaspoon salt per cup of flour. This will coarsen and weaken the texture of cakes requiring only 1¼ teaspoon or less baking powder per cup.

→Cake flour is not good to make breads.

Provides structure and supply some liquid to the cakes. The egg yolks contains natural emulsifying agents. Cakes prepared with egg whites are softer than the ones with the whole egg because the yolk become firmer after baking. In layers cake one egg could be replaced by two yolks or 1½ whites. By using just yolks, the flavor and color will be better, but the structure will be a little weaker, in this case the baking powder need to be decreased by ¼ teaspoon for every 3 yolks used.

Butter, margarine and spreads are water in oil emulsions. The butter contains milkfat lecithin, which is a natural emulsifier. Margarine and spread contain lecithin and monoglycerides added to help in the emulsion preparation.

→In bread making fat lubricates the dough and provides flavor.

→In cakes the function of the fat is different and more complex. For example in the creaming method when the fat is beaten with the sugar the water in oil emulsion changes to an oil in water emulsion. Is this process air is incorporate into the batter and increases its volume. In the muffins method the wet ingredients are mix in one bowl and the dry ingredients in another bowl. The fat has no aeration function but it will help to retain gases during baking.

When baking soda (pure sodium bicarbonate) is mix with an acidic ingredient, such as honey, molasses, chocolate, buttermilk, yogurt, sugar, citrus juice, creates a chemical reaction releasing carbon dioxide and cause baked good to rise. Excluding this product in a recipe will cause baked goods not cook properly or to fall flat and if using too much will result a soapy taste.
When using the baking soda, make sure to sift or whisk with the other dry ingredients

Already contains the acid component that reacts with the baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) and the drying agent (starch). Is not necessary to have acidic ingredients, such as cream of tartar (sodium aluminum sulfate). Baking powder is used to increase the volume and lightening the texture of baked products. Every teaspoon of baking powder contains ¼ teaspoon of baking soda.
When using the baking soda, make sure to sift or whisk with the other dry ingredients.

The sugar provides volume, texture (keeping baked products moist and soft), flavor, tenderness (by absorbing the water and prevent gluten development) , color, and act as a preservative. The purpose of creaming sugar with butter is to incorporates air into the batter.

→ The weight of the sugar in cakes mixtures could not exceed the weight of the flour, because the cake will collapse.

The salt  boost the flavor of all ingredients. The dough will be more elastic and the texture will be much better.