Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Salsa de ají rocoto

3 aji rocoto

1 cucharada crema agria
1 tablespoon sour cream

Chorro aceite de oliva
Splash olive oil

Sal y pimienta al gusto
Salt and pepper to taste

60 g queso fresco
60 g fresco cheese

1. Cortar el aji rocoto, retirar las semillas y venas. Colocar en una olla mediana y le agregamos agua que los cubra. Cocinar hasta que rompa hervor. Retirar del fuego, drenar. Dejar enfriar a temperatura ambiente.
- Cut the aji rocoto, remove the seeds and veins. Place in a medium saucepan and add water to cover. Cook until it boils. Remove from heat, drain. Allow to cool to room temperature.

2. Licuar con el resto de los ingredientes.

- Blend with the rest of the ingredients

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Crema de Camarones

1½ lb shrimp peeled and deveined (cooked)
1½ lb camarones limpios (cosidos)

1 stalk celery chopped
1 tallo de celery picado

½ onion, chopped
½ cebolla picada

2 stalks green onion, chopped
2 tallos de cebollín picado

2 garlic cloves, minced
2 dientes de ajo picados

2 tbs olive oil (butter)
2 cucharadas de aceite o mantequilla

2 cup heavy cream
2 tasas de crema de leche

2 cup fish stock (shrimp)
2 tasas de caldo de pescado (fumet) o de camarón

2 tbs tomate paste
2 cucharadas de pure de tomates

Splash Bourbon or whiskey (brandy)
Chorro de Bourbon o whiskey

2 tbs paprika
2 cucharadas de paprika (pimiento dulce en polvo)

2 tbs cornstarch
2 cucharadas de maicena

3 anchovies filet
3 filetes de anchoa

Salt and pepper (to taste)
Sal y pimiento al gusto

Cayenne pepper (optional)
Pimienta cayena (opcional)

Splash Worcestershire

Chorro de Worcestershire (salsa inglesa)

1. Dilute the cornstarch with the fish broth. Set aside.
Diluir la maicena con el clado de pescado.Apartar.

2. Cut the shrimps into pieces.  Set aside.
Cortar los camarones en pedazos pequeños. Apartar.

3. In sauce pan with oil over medium heat, saute the vegetables until soft. Add the tomato paste and stir well. Cook for 3 minutes. Add the fish stock, heavy cream, Worcestershire, cayenne pepper, paprika. Simmer for 15 minutes. Add the shrimps and mix well.
En una olla con aceite a fuego medio, saltear los vegetales hasta que esten suaves. Agregar la pasta de tomates. Cocinar por 3 minutos. Agregar el caldo de pescado, crema de leche, pimienta cayena y paprika. Cocinar a fuego medio por 15 minutos. Agregar los camarones y mezclar bien

4.Transfer the soup to a blender and blend until smooth.
Transferir la sopa a una licuadora y licuar hasta que este suave.

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Pain Perdu (French Toast)

5 bread slices (Challah, Brioche, White bread)
5 egg yolks
1 cup milk or heavy cream
1 tbs brown sugar
1 tbs vanilla extract
Splash orange liqueur (optional)
2 tbs honey
1 tbs orange zest
Pinch salt
Powdered sugar to dust (optional)
1 cup sliced almond
½ pound strawberries
2 tbs sugar
Splash orange liqueur

1. Wash the strawberries. Cut into slices and place then into a bowl. Add the liqueur and sugar. Mix well. Cover and refrigerate until serve.

2. In a bowl mix egg yolks, milk, sugar, vanilla, liqueur, honey, salt and orange zest. Whisk well. Transfer the mixture to a shallow baking dish large enough to hold the bread slices. Soak the bread for 5 minutes. Make sure to turn the slices over. Dip one side of the bread with almonds.

3. Heat the butter in a nonstick pan over medium heat. Saute the slices, almond side down first. Cook until they are golden brown, about 2 -3 minute per side.

4. Serve with syrup and garnish with powdered sugar on top (optional).