Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Garbanzo Cakes (Torticas de Garbanzo) by (de) Liana Marmol

1 cup cooked garbanzo beans
1 taza garbanzos cocidos

1 cup grated zucchini
2 tazas de zucchini rallado

½ grated carrots
½ zanahoría ralladas

2 tbs garbanzo flour (rice, whole wheat, regular)
2 cucharadas harina (arroz, integral, regular)

2 scallion stalks, minced
2 cebollines, picados

3 garlic clove, minced
3 diente de ajo, machacado

3 tbs fresh cilantro, chopped
3 cucharadas de cilantro picado

Salt and pepper to taste
Sal y pimienta al gusto

1 tbs chia seeds (linseed)
1 cucharada de semillas de chia

1. Mash the garbanzo with a fork. Add the rest of the ingredients. Mix well with your hands. Form the patties and let it rest for one hour.
Triturar los garbanzos con un tenedor. Agregar el resto de los ingredientes. Mezclar bien con las manos. Formar las torticas y dejar reposar por una hora.

2. In sauté pan with oil cook until golden brown on both sides (be careful when flipping). Transfer the patties to a parchment lined baking sheet. Bake for 25 minutes at 350° F (180°C).

En un sartén con aceite cocinar las torticas por ambos lados hasta dorar. Transferir a una bandeja para hornear. Hornear por 25 minutos a 350° F (180° C).

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Black Forest Cake / Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte / Gateau / Selva Negra

The Black Forest is a cream cake with multiple layers of chocolate sponge cake soaked with cherry schnapps (Kirsch), cherries, whipped cream, and covered with chocolate shavings.
Many believes the cake was named for Schwarzwälder Kirshwasser (cherry liquor) from the Black Forest region in the state of Baden-Württemberg in Southwest Germany, others believes its name from the traditional outfit that was worn by woman in the Black Forest.

→ its creation is attributed to several German pastry chef, among them Erwin Hildebrand and Josef Keller.
→ March 28 is the national Black Forest Cake day

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Chicken Hash

6 chicken thighs (breast) bone-in, skin on
6 muslos (pechugas) de pollo con hueso y piel

1 red bell pepper dice
1 pimentón rojo picado en cuadritos

Salt and pepper to taste
Sal y pimienta al gusto

1 tbs fresh thyme, chopped
1 cucharada de tomillo fresco picado

12 fresh basil leaves
12 hojas de albahaca

10 potatoes into cubes
10 papas cortadas en cubos

2 red onions
2 cebolla roja

3 garlic cloves minced
3 dientes de ajo picado

1 tbs paprika
1 cucharada de pimentón en polvo

2 tbs tomato paste
2 cucharada pasta de tomates

4 scallions chopped
4 cebollines picados

1 tbs fresh parsley, chopped
1 cucharada de perejil picado


Olive oil
Aceite de oliva

1. Place chicken on a baking sheet. Place two basil leave under the skin of each chicken thigh. With your hands, rub each thigh with olive oil and sprinkle salt and pepper for both sides. Bake at 350° F for 45 minutes.
Set aside until cool enough to handle with your hands. Remove the bones and the skin. Cut in medium dices.
Colocar el pollo en una bandeja para hornear. Colocar dos hojas de albahaca debajo de la piel de cada muslo o pechuga. Con las manos, frotar con aceite y espolvorear sal y pimienta por ambos lados.
Apartar para enfriar lo suficiente como para manejar con las manos. Quitar los huesos y la piel. Cortar en dados medianos.

2. Sauté red onions and the potatoes with 4 tbs of butter. Seasoning with salt and pepper and cook over medium heat for 10 minutes or until potatoes are cooked through without stirring too often. (Add more butter or oil if needed to prevent the potatoes from sticking).
Saltear las cebolla y las papas con 4 cuchuradas de mantequilla. Sazonar con sal y pimienta y cocinar a fuego medio for 10 minutos o hasta que las papas estén bien cocidas sin revolver demasiado.(Añadir más mantequilla o aceite de oliva si es necesario para evitar que las papas se peguen).

3. In separate sauté pan, melt two tablespoon of butter. Add the red pepper, thyme, salt, pepper, paprika, garlic, and tomato paste. Cook for 5 minutes.
En otro sartén, derretir dos cucharadas de mentequilla. Agregar el pimentón, tomillo, sal, pimienta, paprika, ajo y la paste de tomates. Cocinar por 5 minutos.

4. Combine all together. Add parsley and scallions. Toss together and place on a serving dish.

Mezclar bien. Agregar perejil y cebollin, mezclar bien y servir.

Thursday, September 22, 2016


Risotto is a traditional Italian dish made with short-grain rice.

→ Risotto is more of a technique than a dish.

½ onion, chopped
1 tbs olive oil
1 cup Arborio rice
3½ cups hot chicken stock (vegetables, water)
½ cup white wine
½ cup grated Parmesan cheese
2 tbs butter
Salt and pepper (optional)

1. In saucepan with olive oil over medium heat, sauté the onions until translucent. Add the rise and cook until rice is coated with the oil, about 2 minutes. Add the wine and stir constantly until wine is absorbed.

2. Add a ladle of hot stock and stir until liquid is absorbed. When the rice looks almost dry, add another ladle of stock and repeat until stock is absorbed, about 20-25 minutes. The risotto should be creamy.

3. Remove from heat, stir in butter, the parmesan cheese, and season with salt and pepper. Serve right away.

Tips for making risotto

• The radio of rice to liquid is 1 to 3½
• Do not wash the rice before using
• Always use simmering broth or stock
• Wait until the rice absorbs all the stock to add some more

Types of rice for risotto

• Arborio Rice
Is named after the town Arborio in the Piedmont and Lombardy regions of northwest Italy. Arborio is a short grain rice and has a high starch content which is perfect for the famous risotto.

• Vialone Nano
Is grown in the Veneto region of Italy.

• Carnaroli
Like the Arborio rice is grown in the Piedmont and Lombardy regions of Italy.

Monday, September 12, 2016

Île Flottante / Isla Flotante / Oeufs à la neige

Salsa Inglesa (Creme Anglaise)

1 taza de leche entera
1 taza de crema de leche
1 cucharadita de vainilla
5 yemas de huevo
½  taza de azúcar

1. Colocar la leche y la crema de leche en una olla. Llevar a ebullición. Al hervir retirar del fuego. Tapar.

2. En un bowl colocar las yemas con la azúcar. Batir por dos minutos con una cuchara de madera. Incorporar la leche gradualmente (temperar) para evitar que se corte batiendo constantemente.

3. Regresar al fuego. Cocinar hasta alcanzar la temperatura de 170º F (75º C) batiendo constantemente a fuego alto. Cuando la mezcla comience a espesar rapidamente colocarla en baño maría inverso. Remover constantemente hasta enfriar. Colar y refrigerar


1½ taza de azúcar
½ taza de agua

Colocar la azúcar y el agua en una ollita a fuego bajo. Al momento de obtener el caramelo oscuro mover la ollita suavemente (no usar cuchara o espátula). Retirar del fuego. Reservar ¼ taza para hacer el praline (almendra garrapiñada).

Praline de almendras
1.5 oz almendras

Colocar las almendras fileteadas en una bandeja y tostarlas en el horno a 350° F por 10 minutos. Mezclar bien con la ¼ taza del caramelo. Colocar sobre un manto de silicona, extender bien y dejar enfriar. Una vez frío se corta en pedazitos.


5 claras de huevo
1¼ taza azúcar
1 cucharadita de vainilla
1 cucharadita de vinagre blanco

Colocar las claras en un bowl y batirlas a punto de nieve. Incorporar la azúcar poco a poco sin dejar de batir.
Agregar la vainilla y el vinagre blanco. Seguir batiendo hasta alcanzar forma de pico firme.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016


Is a French term used to describe any open faced sandwich usually served with toasted rustic bread (Sourdough, Country bread, Baguette, Ciabatta, Whole grain) and can be topped with anything from butter, mayonnaise and jams to any spreadable cheese and ham.

Suggestions toppings

Smoke salmon
Cherry tomatoes
Blue cheese
Roasted bell peppers
Avocado slices
Roast beef
Saute onions with balsamic vinegar
Roasted zucchini

→Many Cafes in France use the country bread made by the Poilane bakery in Paris which is available on the Web at www.poilane.com

Names in other countries

In Italy → Crostini
In Spain → Tostada
In Scandinavia → Smorrebrod

½ red bell pepper
½ zucchini
2 tomatoes
6 slices white cheese for frying
1 tbs oil
1 garlic clove, chopped
Pinch salt
Black pepper to taste
Olive oil for drizzle (optional)
2 Italian bread slices

1. Cut vegetables in julienne. Slice the cheese (½ inch thick). Set aside.

2. In a saute pan over medium heat, add the oil and heat. Add the vegetables, pinch of salt and garlic; cook and stir for 3 minutes

4. Arrange the bread on a baking sheet drizzle or brush with olive oil for one side (optional) and place in the oven to toast for 2-3 minutes.

5. Top each toast with cheese and the vegetables. Sprinkle black pepper. Cut the tartine in 4 pieces and serve.